Project Background
In the future, increasingly focused on innovation, inclusion, and sustainability, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) education and entrepreneurship will be more linked than ever before. Entrepreneurship skills and STEAM education go hand-in-hand. The importance of STEAM education has been widely acknowledged across Europe and it is in high demand. The development of STEAM skills and competencies among the general
population has also been acknowledged as one of the top EU priorities.

New approach to entrepreneurship?
The competencies developed in STEAM – creativity, problem-solving, analytical thinking, adaptability, etc. are equally important for the development of a successful entrepreneur. Both STEAM and Entrepreneurship education, result in producing individuals who take thoughtful risks, engage in experiential learning,
persist in problem-solving, value collaboration, and work through the creative process to solve real-life problems.

What is STREAMpreneurship?
We believe that in order to foster and create future entrepreneurs – drivers for future growth who will, find the solutions for emerging problems societies are facing as well as create new jobs – we need to combine these two concepts and produce innovative entrepreneurship programmes that will integrate the updated educational concept of STREAM (science, technology, research, engineering, arts and math), providing youth with a wide range of knowledge and skills.

Holistic learning
By introducing research (R) and arts (A) to traditional STEM, as one of the core elements of discovering new knowledge, STREAM will provide a well-rounded learning experience.

STREAMpreneurship & Youthwork
Bringing “STREAM Entrepreneurship” education to the youth work sector offers huge potential in terms of the relational and process outcomes of youth work. Youth work had played an important role in the wellbeing and prosperity of society through the enhanced focus on entrepreneurial learning, fostering empowerment and initiative in young people, and can continue to do so as long as the youth workers are provided with the new knowledge and tools allowing them to adapt to the needs of youth and society as a whole. Thus, the project “STREAMpreneur” aims to improve youth entrepreneurial skills, promote innovation and sustainable solutions to real-life problems existing in Europe and beyond, by introducing “STREAM Entrepreneurship” among youth workers and providing them with knowledge and tools to implement it in their daily work with youth.
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