Project Outcomes
In order to stay relevant and attractive to youth coming from different backgrounds, organisations active in youth work and youth workers/trainers are in need to improve their capacity – gather new ideas for transferring skills and finding innovative solutions that can result in the improved quality of life for both youth and society in general.
We believe that providing youth organisations and youth workers/ trainers with knowledge of new skills/ competencies and approaches is as important as providing them with guidance on how to integrate them into the overall organisation’s strategy and activities.
Guidelines for “STREAM Entrepreneurship” approach implementation in youth work”
The guidelines will provide practical guidance to organisations and institutions active in youth work and youth workers/trainers regarding the productive integration of the “STREAM Entrepreneurship” approach in their activities/programmes and daily work with youth in general. As such the guidelines aim to constitute a “manual” for organisations and institutions active in youth work and youth workers/trainers to refer to throughout their continual efforts to promote and develop the entrepreneurial mindset among youth using the STREAM entrepreneurship approach. You can download the guidelines here: English, German, Greek, Latvian, Italian and Danish languages.

E-Learning Platform
Online course platform – empowering drivers for future growth
The platform will offer online courses to support youth workers’ efforts to implement the STREAM entrepreneurship approach in their activities. The platform will also provide youth workers with a space for social learning (Social Learning Board) where participants will be able to exchange information, asks questions and share relevant information. On this platform, the content format will include videos, audio, screenshots, text, questions, documents, PowerPoints and polls. Moreover, the platform will integrate all project outputs and e-courses will be available in multiple languages (project partner countries’ official languages). Learn how to use the platform by following the video tutorial here or downloading the written tutorial here.
Pilot Courses
Pilot – International and Local trainings
There will be one international training organised in Cyprus for 10 youth workers from the project consortium. During the training, participants will enhance their knowledge of STREAM entrepreneurship and later develop and implement activities based on the STREAM entrepreneurship approach in their work with youth as well as update their current entrepreneurship programmes. The course will prepare participants for the implementation of an upcoming local Piloting phase, where they will take the lead act as “social agents” transferring the knowledge gained to other youth workers and youth. The training programme will be based on the e-courses developed and participants will provide valuable feedback allowing partners to update the e-courses if needed.
Find out more about international training organised here.

Innovation and entrepreneurship are key drivers in today’s world!
The need for sustainable products, services and technologies is greater now more than ever. To empower youth as drivers for future growth, we need to develop and implement innovative solutions. It is not enough to equip youth with entrepreneurial skills and mindset anymore, we also need to train them in innovation and science, to empower them to use their entrepreneurial mindset to design, create and implement a favourable future – economically, socially and, especially, environmentally.
STEAMpreneur, project team

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